Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Thirty seven

We often overestimate success. Success is all about being in the right place and the right time. Of course, all the ingredients like hard work, focus, good habits and many more which are listed in the winner's book are needed. But luck or coincidences play a significant role in success.

I keep giving advice to students and my daughter about how to be successful. But when I see my own life, there were so many incidents that could have changed the course of my life. Example, I reached late for my post graduation admission by 10 mins, if the bus got delayed by another 5 min, I would have ended up in my village as a farmer instead of being a scientist. There are many this kind of incidents led me to present day job. Yes, I worked hard, focused and pushed myself beyond limits.

Still, success is all about chance. If you keep your mind open and alert the probability of happy coincidences would increase. If you are proactive and seek the opportunity, there is more likely that you would do better.

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